
Welcome to Sheeple Liberation. The purpose of this blog is to be an extension and companion of a blog I created at MySpace . My specific interest in creating this blog is to provide a forum for the free discussion of current topics and to provide an ongoing resource to folks who are either awake or on the path to it. So many times in my life I have had experiences that shocked me into the awareness that what I thought I knew and what I assumed to be the truth was not so. I know there are many of you out there who have had similar experiences. The description of this kind of experience is that you know something is wrong, but you just can't put your finger on just what it is. I hope this blog can be a place where you can help yourself put together the pieces and also to share what you have learned.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Elizabeth Warren (United States) vs. Geithner (global bank cartel)

Sat, July 17, 2010 5:41:44 PM
[New post] Elizabeth Warren (United States) vs. Geithner (global bank cartel)
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Elizabeth Warren (United States) vs. Geithner (global bank cartel)
dvrabel | July 17, 2010 at 9:41 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/pYeKf-Y

Elizabeth Warren is the perfect person, the only person really, to head the agency that was largely created due to her efforts--the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Since the crash of 2008, she has been a rare advocate for the people in the midst of a Harvard/Wall St/Washington DC establishment, embodied in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that unilaterally supports the top capital holders of the world and their banks. It's rather shocking to see a publicly visible Harvard professor who has lost neither her ability to see the truth through the establishment's fog, nor her capacity for empathy and compassion for the people beyond Harvard's walls. But it's awesome to see it.

On the other hand, it's revolting to see Tim Geithner oppose her nomination (according to the Huffington Post). This is just one more piece of evidence in the already obvious case that Geithner represents the global bank cartel that has effectively foreclosed on many countries around the world and is now turning against the developed west. He does not represent the American republic, so of course he would oppose an advocate for the people like Warren.

Geithner would have no business sitting in the Treasury if its job was to serve the people. But the purpose of Treasury has been for a long time to serve as the collection agency for the global bank cartel that established itself as a permanent parasitic monopoly living off the people of the United States since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (see Revisiting American History). Now that the cartel has sucked as much wealth as possible from the U.S. and put it under an impossible debt load, Treasury's job has shifted to managing the cartel's foreclosure on the country as it restructures the world under a new global monetary system.

Geithner is perfect for this role. The people may blame him because they can see through him. He can't sell the people on their own destruction like Harvard/Yale banker Robert Rubin could. He's not likable like Harvard banker Jamie Dimon is. So the cartel will escape blame as it always does by using its media to focus the public rage that will emerge in the next phase of the depression not only on politicians, a staged enemy like Iran, and a general sense of corruption, but also on CFR insider Geithner if necessary (capos and hit men are readily sacrificed when appropriate). The cartel might then put CFR insider Jamie Dimon in Treasury to bat clean up and sell the American people on the final stage of the global restructuring.

The bottom line: put pressure on the administration to appoint Elizabeth Warren to this role rather than letting yet another patsy for the bank cartel takeover another agency. She will bring one small voice of the people to the government.

However, she will not be able to stop the global restructuring process. She may not even be aware of it. Stopping that will require the awareness and willpower of we the people. As I've said before, if we the people do not stop it, then the bank cartel and royal families are unfortunately correct that Thomas Jefferson's noble idea of self government was just that--an idea.

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