
Welcome to Sheeple Liberation. The purpose of this blog is to be an extension and companion of a blog I created at MySpace . My specific interest in creating this blog is to provide a forum for the free discussion of current topics and to provide an ongoing resource to folks who are either awake or on the path to it. So many times in my life I have had experiences that shocked me into the awareness that what I thought I knew and what I assumed to be the truth was not so. I know there are many of you out there who have had similar experiences. The description of this kind of experience is that you know something is wrong, but you just can't put your finger on just what it is. I hope this blog can be a place where you can help yourself put together the pieces and also to share what you have learned.

Friday, July 16, 2010

About this blog

When I started this blog in 2007, I started not knowing what it was that I wanted to write about. I began with the alternative news because the mainstream news failed to give me a satisfactory explanation for what I was experiencing: anomie, distress, loss, disconnect, etc. I wanted to use this blog as a means of self discovery and to work out the feeling of unease I was experiencing with my life and with the world in general. I have to say that during this (so far) three year process, I have begun to get a sense of what SheepleLiberation ought to be about. Distractions are endless in our world. We are led down frivolous paths and into empty walls 99/100% of the time. This is intentional. Yes it is intentional. It is by design. The world we call our own is a mental construction inside our heads that is controlled by others. If you doubt me, than you obviously have not investigated the media and propaganda. I suggest you start by reading Edward Bernays. Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, is known as the father of modern "public relations" also known as propaganda. Propaganda designs and then maintains the above mentioned mental construction that we take as "our world".

It is not our world, of course. For most of us, "our world" is a fiction, a specter. The feeling of unreality we tend to have is evidence of this. We struggle to main this fiction of ourselves, but we do so uneasily. Either, we ourselves are insane or the world we inhabit is insane. Perhaps it is both. What then can we do to extricate ourselves from the miasma we find ourselves submerged in?

In actively looking at this question for the last three years, I have decided to focus on the money system. I have learned that the nature of our world is such that everyone has been made a slave to a debt based economy, which is not an economy at all. We think we are free, but this is a fiction. I will write about this and it will become my focus here. I will not explore UFOs, reptilian shape shifters, Mayan calendars or other such things. A quick Google search will find you plenty to read about if that sort of thing floats your boat. Instead, I will focus on the concrete. Additionally, I will continue to post pieces by others that are germane to the topic and which forwards the purpose of this blog which is to liberate you. Please check out the piece by Damon Vrabel posted on Goldman Sachs. It is illustrative of the mentality that governs those who work there and gives a sense of how they rationalize their actions. After reading it, ask yourself what you do, and how you rationalize what you do in your daily undertaking. This is a good place to begin, I think.

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