
Welcome to Sheeple Liberation. The purpose of this blog is to be an extension and companion of a blog I created at MySpace . My specific interest in creating this blog is to provide a forum for the free discussion of current topics and to provide an ongoing resource to folks who are either awake or on the path to it. So many times in my life I have had experiences that shocked me into the awareness that what I thought I knew and what I assumed to be the truth was not so. I know there are many of you out there who have had similar experiences. The description of this kind of experience is that you know something is wrong, but you just can't put your finger on just what it is. I hope this blog can be a place where you can help yourself put together the pieces and also to share what you have learned.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

Keep in mind Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar. Readers should be familiar with the history of the Cecil Rhodes program and how it ties into the Round table groups. Although Wolf brings up an issues that's topical, ask yourself why this is getting press now. Why are spokesmen for the elite coming out and putting their cards on the table?

Talk by Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" given October 11, 2007 at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus.

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